Results: 7

    Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in rural Ethiopia

    The Problem: Lack of access to uterotonics to prevent PPH in rural Ethiopia - Ethiopia?s maternal mortality rate is among the highest in the world with 470 deaths per 100,000 live births. Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) remains to be the leading cause of maternal mortality in developing countries like Ethiop...

    Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage in Rural Ethiopia

    Ethiopia’s maternal mortality rate is among the highest in the world with 470 deaths per 100,000 live births. Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) remains to be the leading cause of maternal mortality in developing countries like Ethiopia. The problem is worse in the rural setting where there are not proper fac...

    Improving access to skilled attendance at delivery: full report

    The problem: High Maternal Mortality. Uganda?s maternal mortality has moderately declined from 670 per 100,000 live births in 1990 to 430 per 100,000 live births in 2008. This annual decline of 13 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births is unlikely to achievemeet the MDG target of 168 per 100,000 live bi...

    Reducing maternal mortality in Morocco: sharing experience and sustaining progress

    Although not using EVIPNet methodologies yet, this policy brief is helpful in showing how Morocco has implemented efficient strategies of intervention to accelerate the reduction of maternal mortality. The exercise of the evidence informed policy brief writing with multisectoral health players such as UN...

    Reducing maternal mortality in Morocco: Sharing experience and sustaining progress

    Although not using EVIPNet methodologies yet, this policy brief is helpful in showing how Morocco has implemented efficient strategies of intervention to accelerate the reduction of maternal mortality. The exercise of the evidence informed policy brief writing with multisectoral health players such as UN...

    Reducing deaths due to postpartum haemorrhage in homebirths in Zambia

    The purpose of this report is to inform deliberations among policymakers and stakeholders. It summarises the best available evidence regarding community-based prevention of postpartum haemorrhage in Zambia. The report was prepared as a background document to be discussed at meetings of those engaged in d...

    Strategies to reduce maternal mortality in Central African Republic

    Le Problème  Mortalité maternelle est un grave problème de santé publique en RCA avec un taux de 1355 décès pour 100.000 naissances vivantes.  Quatre principales difficultés sont à la base de ce problème : o Difficultés liées à l’accès aux soins o Difficultés liées à l’insuffisa...